Nx Witness POS Integration
3S Market 採訪編輯 Cynthia
在一月中旬,Network Optix 的創始人 Nathan Wheeler ,對於其另一個新開創事業 Entropix 的亞洲行,在 Nx APAC Business Development 陳班尼先生的協助下, 3S Market 很榮幸有機會,採訪到 Nathan Wheeler 先生。
3S Market 這次採訪 Nathan Wheeler,希望藉由他從一個創始人,也是最主要的股東身份,來暢談 Network Optix 的經營理念。我們也期待藉由這樣的採訪,讓所有讀者朋友了解到這家公司的經營哲學,以及未來台灣與這些國際的公司,可以有更多元的合作空間。以下是訪談的內容 ——
Meeting with the founder of the 7th fastest growing private software company in America, Network Optix, is absolutely exciting. Nathan Wheeler, who started Network Optix (Nx) in 2011, kindly shared his insights and values of business operation during the interview.
與美國第七大發展最快的私人軟體公司的創始人會面,Network Optix絕對是令人興奮的。 Nathan Wheeler 在2011年創立了Network Optix(Nx),在訪談中分享了他對這家公司的運作的見解和價值觀。
Nx VMS, the core product of Nx, is an open and customizable video management platform capable of managing offline media, live video streams, and integrated 3rd party system and devices.
Nx的核心產品Nx VMS,是一個開放的、可客製化的,並能夠管理離線影像媒體、即實影像串流,以及整合第三方系統和設備的訂制影像管理平台。
This is actually the incarnation of one of Nathan's goals, making powerful and user-friendly network management software, that is easy-to-use to everyone and applicable for all kinds of videos.
Including surveillance and security monitoring applications, as well as any application of real-time images, such as smart city, smart transportation, construction property management, factory management, or combined with access control functions, applied in hotels, various kinds of applications , application of retail chain stores, etc.
Nathan said modestly that though Nx continues to improve the application of surveillance to the software platform, this is just for paying bills.
What he really meant is that he positions his greater goal to explore the possibilities of more breakthroughs and applications of different fields to come; for instance, Nx VMS enables everything from recording IP Cameras on a Raspberry Pi to capturing Rocket launches now.
但他相當認真的說,他真正的目標,是讓智慧影像的應用,在未來探索更多的突破和應用; 例如,Nx VMS 支持從 Raspberry Pi 上的 IP 攝影機影像錄製,到擷取航太火箭發射的過程,所有相關影像的分析應用。
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Nx Witness v3.0 - 雲端影像平台解決方案 — |
Search Nx VMS on YouTube, then you can get better idea of how amazing it is as it literally is a life-changing impact to human's life.
在YouTube上搜索Nx VMS,就可以更好地了解Nx VMS 有多神奇,因為影像的管理分析應用,實際上是對人類生活的一種影響與改變。
Network Optix is headquartered in the U.S. and has subsidiaries in several countries, with clients in nearly every market segment and users in 130 countries.
With this successful achievement, Nathan puts emphasis on consistency of the product regarding the core values of business management.
With this successful achievement, Nathan puts emphasis on consistency of the product regarding the core values of business management.
Network Optix總部位於美國,在多個國家設有子公司,幾乎在每個細分領域的市場,多達130幾個國家,都有我們的客戶與用戶。
憑藉這一來自市場使用端的信賴與接受度,Nathan強調了這是來自於 Nx的核心經營理念:產品與企業管理核心價值的一致性。
Sales in different countries do have different selling strategies, accordingly to adapt to local markets; however, speaking of the product itself, it is important to ensure the consistency.
There is no difference of the same product selling to Europe and Asia as Nx makes the platform for everyone and all kinds of videos. Moreover, Nx takes direct market feedback into consideration for product evolution.
不同國家的銷售,確實有不同的銷售策略,以適應當地市場的文化,以及使用習性; 但是,就產品本身而言,確保一致性是非常重要的。由於Nx為所有人和各種影像應用提供平台,因此在歐洲和亞洲銷售相同的產品是沒有區別的。但是,Nx 會將使用端的回饋,不斷地加注在 Nx VMS 產品的演進與創新上。
In today's rapid-changing market, it is universality that keeps Nx competitive. Many of the applications were not imagined before, like skin monitoring and SpaceX are two of the examples.
With comprehensive API and SDK documentation built-in and free to use, Nx VMS allows organizations or individuals to create their own video-driven applications for any vertical market or project.
With comprehensive API and SDK documentation built-in and free to use, Nx VMS allows organizations or individuals to create their own video-driven applications for any vertical market or project.
而這樣的產品發展與經營理念,在當今瞬息萬變的市場中,就是為了保持 Nx 在全球的競爭力。 許多應用程序之前,以前可能都沒有想像過,比如皮膚監控,SpaceX就是其中的兩個例子。 憑藉內置的和免費使用的全面的API和SDK文檔,Nx VMS允許組織或個人,為任何垂直應用市場或專案項目,創建自己的影像驅動應用程序。
The other key factor is innovation. Nathan compared innovation as a rising steep curve instead of a proportional one. If we don't spend time making changes, then we may be obsoleted soon.
另一個關鍵因素是創新。 Nathan 比較創新是一個陡峭的曲線,而不是比例的曲線。 如果我們不花時間進行修改,那麼我們很快就會過時。
He thought there is no way to innovation without taking some risks; and only if one can bear the risk of making mistakes, then he can make progress. A powerful conclusion came to as enlightenment, “The biggest risk is that you don't take any risks.”
他認為沒有冒險就沒有辦法創新;只有一個人能夠承擔犯錯的風險,他才能取得進步。 一個強有力的結論是作為啟發,「最大的風險是你不承擔任何風險。」
In the final of the interview, Nathan shared his insights toward Taiwan according to his global business experience and observation. Nathan believes that, Taiwanese companies have a strong technical background, but may be due to competitive pressures, He thought, lots of companies are working hard on improving existing techniques rather than developing new breakthroughs.
PG Security Systems - Network optix VMS
在訪談的最後, Nathan 根據他的全球業務經驗和觀察,分享了他對台灣在智慧影像應用相關廠商的看法。 他認為,台灣廠商有很強的技術背景實力,但可能因為競爭上的壓力,很多公司正在努力改進現有技術,而不是開發新的突破。
It seems that they are still not aware of how rapid the changing is, but only pursuing limited advancement. While Korea, Japan and China have realized the importance of being innovative, Taiwan should be more proactive and take actual actions to stand on the cutting edge.
看起來他們還沒有意識到改變的速度有多快,但只追求有限的進步。 在韓國,日本和中國已經意識到創新的重要性的同時,台灣應該更積極主動,並採取實際行動來站在前沿。
What Nx sees, is Taiwan's deep technical strength in image processing, which is why Nx is the only one to invest direct labor in this market.
We believe that, we will cooperate with more local Taiwanese manufacturers, and combine their advantages to create more development in the future. At the same time, this is also Nx's business strategy that has been deployed globally and penetrated into the local market.
We believe that Nx is a trustworthy and most important strategic partner for many manufacturers in Taiwan.
而 Nx 看到的,是台灣在影像處理的深厚技術實力,這也是為什麼 Nx 在亞洲市場上,唯一投入直接人力在這個市場上的原因。我們相信,我們未來會與更多的台灣當地廠商合作,結合彼此的優勢,必定可創造出更多的應用發展方向。
同時這也是 Nx一直以來的經營策略,佈局全球、深入當地市場。我們相信, Nx是台灣很多廠商的值得信賴,以及最重要的策略合作夥伴。
Network Optix 在 2018智慧城市展上,結合在台灣及亞洲的合作夥伴,將展出包括智慧城市、智慧工廠管理、智慧交通、智慧照護、智慧校園等相關的物聯網與人工智慧的智慧影像技術應用,歡迎在3月27日-3月30日蒞臨 J 818 IoT@Live 生活體驗區參觀指導。